5 Best Ways to Get Rich



It will surprise you how many ways there are to get rich. Question is which one would most likely work for you. Among all the possible ways to put an extra million dollar on your savings account, here are the 5 methods which will most likely make that dream of yours come true.

1. Inherit it. While not all of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouth, this is probably one of the easiest ways to get rich. The problem is only 5% of the total population is rich. If you were born in a wealthy family then you should consider yourself lucky and possibly the envy of many. This leaves 95% of the population competing with each other for a chance at getting rich.

2. Save Money. One sure way of getting rich is through saving money. Most people’s formula for this is income minus expense equals savings but I say it should be income minus savings equals expense. You never spend more than what you earn. You need to first set aside a certain portion, say 20%, of your income to your savings account that you’ll never spend. Do this every pay day and notice your savings grow.
Another way of saving money is to make a budget. Create a monthly budget which will cover all your expenses and still be able to set aside money for your savings.
You can also go as far as cutting your other expenses. If it doesn’t really hurt that much to not have Starbucks every morning then that’s something you can do without. Imagine how much a designer coffee would cost you in a week and how much it would save you in a month. That saves you a good amount of money.

3. Work Hard for it. This method requires a lot of planning and decision making. It starts with excelling academically. Most, if not all, people who did great in school become highly employable and are offered better pay. Once you get that job you’ll need to work your way up. Stick with your job to get the experience that you need to advance.
If you’ve stayed long enough don’t be afraid to change jobs and employer. This is one way of increasing your pay. If you are considered to be a great asset to your company, they would most likely offer you an increase or additional benefits to convince you to stay.

4. Marry a Millionaire. Another easy way to get rich, especially for the girls, is to marry someone rich. This is common to people who doesn’t see the first 3 ways to work for them. If you’ve been getting compliments of yourself being attractive, you can use that to your advantage. Work with what you have and maximize your resources as what others would say.

5. Start your own Business. This has got to be the most effective and proven way to become rich. If you have identified a certain need for a certain service or product, find a way to effectively provide that and make money out of it.It may take you years to succeed but this is how most stories of today’s business tycoons started.

The good thing about putting up a business is that you don’t have to be good at everything your business requires. You just need to find the right people who are good at what they do and have them do the job for you. When you are an employee you give out 100% of your effort. When you’re the boss, it’s 100% multiplied by the number of employees you have that’s being put into your business. Not to mention the part where you get to be the boss and call the shots. You get your freedom right from the start.

So which method would work for you? Whichever way you choose, make sure to start early. The earlier you start, the sooner you can harvest the financial rewards you seek. Start now.

”  There are people who have money and people who are rich.  “  –  Coco Chanel

Love Game



I sing songs you like listening to,
songs you’d sing yourself when no one’s around.

but when people start appearing,
you look the other way and hum a different sound.

how much more time do we have
until this guessing game of ours end?

How you act when you’re with me,
is it for real or just pretend?

I’m afraid to ask you that question,
that question you can’t answer.

Each day we live in fear,
rejection is not what we are after.

I see you right there, but I can’t reach you
no matter how far I stretch my hand.

You’ll need to reach for mine as well
Reach for it, for my hand, I demand.

Once our hands lock I’ll take you somewhere far,
Where no one knows us by face or by name.

But every place we’ll dwell on
I bet they’ll all gonna be the same.

So I ask you to decide for yourself
if playing games is what you like,

Or do you value yourself enough
to be doing the things that you want.

We can play this game, this game we made,
let’s play by the rules that we chose.

In this game of ours where no one wins,
it’s gonna be around for awhile, I suppose.



”  If it’s just a game, I like the way we play.  “ –  anonymous

Merchant of Emotions


The thought of it scares me, that life you live
Grabbing on to people, feeding on what they’ll give

You walk with shoes of a different size than yours
a pair too tight that every step just hurts.

You live a sad story and that you know
Changing it’s not possible, how far will you go?

You see it out there, the things most people bypass
you choose to ignore these until you’re home at last.

I pray for a life that you truly deserve, you do
A life of love, happiness, a pinch of craziness too.

”  Try stepping in my shoes and walking a mile. You’ll see how hard it is to hold back tears and fake a smile.  ” –  Nishan Panwar



Years of loneliness had lead me to this
A person taking anything to fill the emptiness.
I take whatever’s given and steal what’s not mine
people think I’m okay, I tell myself I’d be fine.

So I take it all inside of me with hopes to carry on
but someone else’s cure turned out to be my poison.
It runs through my veins and comes out through my words
this poison has hit me and vanished my inhibitions.

I see myself change right before my very eyes
I’m not being who I am or maybe this time I was.
A side of me unleashed, it was there all along
I can handle anything with this poison I am strong.

Let me break you and turn you into something else
I’ll bend your thoughts and your regrets.
Ripping parts off you out with my bare hands
I’m using the same poison on you that I had.

If you have change into that something I wanted you to be
then I tinkered with the right parts, with that I’m happy.
but if you didn’t change at all and you fought back
then I guess it wasn’t enough, the poison, it lacked.

Until such time I’ll need that certain feeling
I’ll keep myself undercover with all this lying.
You can dig deep into me but you’ll never see it
you can’t dig deep enough, I tell you, I mean it.



 Drunkeness is nothing but voluntary madness.  ”  –  Seneca

Web & Graphic Design Portfolio

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I wasn’t able to make 30 web designs for my portfolio as I planned but I’ll certainly try and make more.  Some of the designs are not originally my concept but from tutorials I got online just to help me pick up some styles and be more familiar with the tools in Photoshop.  I’ll be working on creating more web designs and possibly some logos as well.

”  Don’t worry about people stealing your design work. Worry about the day they stop.  ” – Tate Linden

Mi ultimo adios – My farewell letter to Team Kho

I started out as the silent one,not a single hi nor a single joke. The guy with the weird hair and the oversized jacket. I was the guy who would smile when you called my name, laughed at simple jokes and did what was asked of. I was just another team member, like any other.


Growing up and being part of the minority, I’ve always found the need to impress, to be recognized, to be appreciated — to prove to be the best. I wanted to break stereotypes.Being the insecure person that I am, I was always concerned with what other people has to say about me. It’s hard to please everyone, not to mention it being impossible. But if there’s one thing our team taught me, it’s not to become the person people expect you to be but be the person you want to be remembered as. When you’re surrounded by people who knows who you are, embraces all your flaws, understands your unspoken words then all you’re gonna need to be is yourself. They wouldn’t care if you’re having a bad hair day, they’ll just come up with a not-so-funny-joke about it. They’d care less if you’re not top-model-sexy, they’ll just call you silly names.


The only opinion that matters is the opinion of the people that matters to you. You can be just another face in the crowd, a new teammate, a drinking buddy, the guy with high metrics or he who always ranked number 1. Or you can be the person who makes people laugh on simple jokes, the guy who made people smile when they see you, whom they tell their secrets to, share family matters with. Be someone’s friend.I chose to create relationships and not mere reputation. At the end of the day kings and pawns are stored inside the same box. We are all equal.If time comes when you lost the need to persevere, find that need amongst each other. Choose to inspire someone. Choose to be someone’s reason to last one more shift. If you can’t be that someone, at least don’t do anything that’ll break them.


Thank you for keeping me company team Kho. I always tell my mom I’m blessed to have been surrounded by the smartest people. People who always had something to share. You understand my humor, the person that I am. You made me feel loved. I wouldn’t have lasted any longer than I did and could not imagine being with any other team.


I’m sorry if my time with you has to end now. I wish we had more laughs, more huddles, more pictures to post, videos to make, more pukes, more tears, more beers! Maybe soon or maybe not, but let’s hope to be the same , if not better, people by then.There are no goodbyes my friends, only hellos.


Log out sa ko guys.  Time na Kho 🙂

What You Are To Me

You are like the smell of rain on a sunday afternoon,
You are like the voice of people making vows in June.

You are like a gentle gust of wind in a quiet alley,
You are like moonlight over this sleeping city.

You are like a dark lake during fall,
You are like maple leaves, big or small.

But one thing that you’re not and seems like you’ll never be
is to be my own, my own you’ll never be.

”  Sometimes you meet someone and before you know their name, before you know where they are from, you know that sometime in the future this person is going to mean something to you. ”  –  anonymous

The Swan

wedding dress

Image by notti cabirian via Flickr



“Look Ma I wore your dress but they’re too big for me.
Don’t I look pretty on it for someone who’s three?”

I liked to play pretend that was my favorite game.
And Ma would always smile at me she’s always been the same.
“Buy me some new clothes Ma like a pair of jeans or two.
Cuz I’m thirteen now all my things should be new.”

I want to have my own style, to choose my own dress.
That’s what big girls do,  we dress to impress.
I changed the way I dress and how I tie my hair.
I wear nicer shoes now and my skin got more fair.

Today it’s different from the days that passed.
A few moments from now I’ll be married at last.
In a corner she sits calmly looking at my way.
At the daughter she hugged and kissed every single day.

I ask my Ma how it should be, since she’s done this before.
I’m not sure if my wedding gown should touch the floor.
“You look pretty my child whatever you wear.
I love your make up and how you did your hair.”

She smiled to me again the way she did before.
Only now she’s smiling to a lady, not a child no more.


“  When you grow up your mother says, ‘Wear rubbers or you’ll catch cold.’ When you become an adult you discover that you have the right not to wear rubbers and to see if you catch cold or not. It’s something like that.  ” –  Diane Arbus


Lost in Paradise

I’ve been to what I now call paradise and it was great.
To go there wasn’t my desire, what led me there was fate.
Everything was like a scene from a long forgotten dream.
Something that I thought had already happened or so it seem.
I lay down and took a nap on a boat made of stone,
as the water sang a lullaby in an unfamiliar tone.
I found and took some gems and jewels from the river floor.
Differrent shapes and colors but I couldn’t take them all.
So instead what I did was throw them back to where they were.
A wish I casted with every stone that I spare.
I wished to live a life, a life that I deserve
I won’t forget that day, a memory I’ll preserve.

Paradise is exactly like where you are right now… only much, much better. ”  – Laurie Anderson

Forbidden Love

Is it possible to love more than one person at the same time?

“Is true love just once in a lifetime?” as the famous song goes.

At a certain point of our life, We fall for someone whom we dream of spending the rest of our life with.  Someone who understands us more than anyone else.  One that you imagine of fixing you breakfast everyday.  You welcome the thought of waking up each morning to find yourself sharing the same bed with that person.

But along the way we meet someone who makes us feel the same in a different way.  Someone of opposite to the partner you already have.  Two different people that make you feel the same way.  Is it then safe to say that it is possible to love more than one person at a time?  That true love isn’t once in a lifetime?

My answer would be yes.

It is possible to get attracted to someone else while you’re in a relationship. In fact, it’s natural.  We’re just acting according to our nature. That nature in us doesn’t die just because we got married more so if we’re just in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

In ancient times and even now, to some people, being committed to more than one woman is not an issue so long as he can support her.  But to most people sharing just ain’t in their dictionary.

If you’re one of those people who are in a relationship where there’s no room for another person then keep this in mind.  Accept the fact that you and your partner would still get attracted to other people, which is but normal, but it’s up to you whether to nurture that feeling or not.  If one of you found yourself attracted to someone else while in a relationship do not nurture that feeling and it will eventually die a natural death.  Do not get yourself too involved with that person ’cause you might just end up liking them more.  You have to draw the line somewhere, set your limitations.

”  Sometimes I wish I had never met you. Because then I could go to sleep at night

not knowing there was someone like you out there.  ”  ~ Good Will Hunting

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